為無為 | 謝英俊建築實踐展
Architect Hsieh Ying-Chun Exhibition
Key Visual Design


StudioPros 受高雄市立美術館邀請,打造謝英俊建築師作品展演主視覺。《為無為—謝英俊建築實踐展》呈現二十年來謝英俊建築師於國內外的建築案例與構想。主視覺以簡單具有溫度的筆觸、色調,傳達出建築師的風格特色與對社會土地的情懷。


活動主視覺設計 Key Visual Design
活動延伸印刷物設計 Extend Prints Design

草稿構成為與無為 、虛和實的線段與色塊


畫面的構成陰陽兩分,一部分為垂直重複的鉛筆線,另一部分則是鉛筆不斷交疊所組成的畫面。 鉛筆直線,來自謝英俊的理念「帶著災民親手建造自己的房屋」,想傳達一種粗糙而真實的溫度感,而直線型態也同時代表著謝英俊致力的推廣的鋼構建築。填滿鉛筆線的色塊,代表著土地及環境,乘載著災民情緒的土地,累積了災難的絕望和重生的希望。


Acts Without Effort (Wei vs. Wu Wei) / Reality vs. Unreality / Lines vs. Color Blocks
The two images both consist of pencil lines. This idea comes from the lines and sketches in the blueprint, which represent the proficiency and expertise of the architect. The picture displays yin and yang (“dark-bright”); one is long and uneven lines composed of continuous and repetitive drawings, the other half is large areas composed of ceaseless and overlapping sketches. Though the lines are rough and crooked, they are the lines outlined by the victims. The lines drawn by the victims may not be as neat and straight as architects do, but they are full of meanings and warmth, which depict Hsieh’s concept of “taking victims to build their homes with their own hands.” The straight lines also exemplify the steel structure that Hsieh has been promoting. On the other hand, the color blocks made up of pencil lines represent lands and environment. Every land is loaded with victims’ emotions, filled with victims’ despair and hope.
The vision details the color black and gray to separate the two images; the colors are also chosen from Hsieh’s symbolic steel structure. On the poster, the main color selected is dull silver, which is grand and elegant.




Exhibition Intro

The Jiji earthquake, known locally as the 921 earthquake, happened 19 years ago today. It exposed the weakness of local inhabitants’ environment, however, most of the architects in Taiwan had yet responded to the fact. Beginning with a reconstructing team of 5 people working with the Thao Tribe, the architect Hsieh Ying-Chun utilized a holistic construction technology – a value system – of lightweight steel structure and co-operative construction. Since then he travels to wherever the need arises and has fabricated thousands buildings around disaster areas in Asia.

Acts Without Effort - The Societal Architecture of Hsieh Ying-Chun as the first major survey of architect Hsieh Ying-Chun, Acts Without Effort presents Hsieh Ying-Chun’s practice of post-disaster reconstruction, projects of new rural and community-based development, and his concepts of a tri-dimensional urban land and the making public of building structures. The energy of social restoration that runs through Hsieh Ying-Chun’s architectural practice coheres with what Curator Huang Sun-Quan refers to as ‘Societal Architecture’. More than merely post-disaster reconstruction and humanitarian aid, Hsieh’s work is a response to the equally urgent issue of contemporary social housing. While facing the issue of construction common to 70% of humans worldwide, it questions how people can take up sustainable residence in the natural environment and how to reach a balance between the creativity of individuals and the commons of urban planning. By applying the digitalized technology to future building as the basis of citizens’ self-build projects, it aims to elevate weak architecture to excellence in construction, That is one enriched by poverty.

為無為 | 謝英俊建築實踐展 Architect Hsieh Ying-Chun Exhibition
Key Visual Design

Design agency | StudioPros Design
Creative Director | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Visual Design | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Artists | Hsieh Ying-Chun / Kuo-Min Lee / Peifeng Li
Field Research Team | DESIGN FOR PEOPLE
Client | 高雄市立美術館 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
Printer | 煒陽印刷 Wei-Yang Printing Enterprise Co.,LTD
Photographer | 徐聖淵 Sheng-Yuan Hsu
Date | 2018


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