Pick Up And Poster It!

A graphic design project inspired by daily life.



因為交換的計畫而到了歐洲,在數個月裡,體驗了生活不再緊湊,開始有較多的時間思考體會生活,因此我開始了 “PICK UP AND POSTER IT!” 這個計畫,透過收集生活的素材,整理旅行的片段和體會。

Design is always inspired by life.


主題分為四大項:生活 / 食物 / 植物 / Random Boom



There Are Four Part:Life Style / Food / Plants / Random Boom

Life Style
Living in Europe is so different from living in Taiwan. Everything was so fresh to me. It made me want to take down every single detail in my daily life, for example, the bus stop on my way to school, the market I visit most, and so on. It was so much fun and it even became a motivation that drove me to explore more of the city.

Well goes the Chinese saying, “people regard food as their heaven” (min yi shi wei tian, or food is what matters to people); food is considered an important element in our life. To me, most of my impressions and everlasting memories come from the food I encounter during my trips. Just a taste, it connects me with the city and the culture there. Then it hits me that I should seek inspiration from food and create my works from a different angle. So here it is.


Random Boom
Random Booooooooooom 來自於一直想嘗試的手法及隨機的靈感,這是一組沒有主題的作品,希望觀者閱讀這組作品時,可以恣意的想像。

The plant coverage is high in Finland. When I was in Finland, I often found myself surrounded by nature. I liked to take a walk around my neighborhood and take a stroll in my campus; on the way, I discovered lots of charming and fascinating plants. It is a place where people can feel calm and relaxed. To explore the nature is to explore one’s inner self; one can think calmly and deeply through conversations with oneself. It can also refresh one’s mind and make one a better observer.

Random Boom
The concept of this section arises from the longing crafts I’ve always wanted to apply. It is a section filled with random ideas; thus, the titles are left empty. Hope you all could have no limitations or restrictions to stop your imaginations running wild.

Pick Up And Poster It! A Visual Diary
Visual Creations

Design Agency | StudioPros Design
Visual Creations | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
Date | 2018


Shaping Experiment - Visual Tension Generator


School Textbooks Design Award 2021|教科圖書設計獎主視覺