負責人 & 創意總監


李宜軒,台灣設計師,StudioPros 設計總監。曾任於 IBM Consulting 團隊,專注以User Experience為出發導入各⾯向之設計,擅長於跨領域整合,建構品牌的可能性。作品曾獲Adobe卓越設計⼤獎、⾦點概念設計獎、亞洲最具影響⼤獎優選、韓國K-Design Award 等,作品亦曾收錄於Computer Arts Magazine、Victionary、亞洲設計年鑑等設計書籍中,並曾於美國、芬蘭、韓國、亞洲等地展覽 。 合作過的客⼾包含Facebook, IBM, Amazon, Shutterstock, Helsinki Design Week (赫爾辛基設計週), Golden Melody Award (台灣⾦曲獎) 等。此外,在2019年受邀擔任金點新秀獎評審,於2018年時受Shutterstock邀請並獲選為台灣代表設計師, 代⾔年度活動 GetCreative。在Behance台灣地區,她是作品閱覽量前三高的設計師,作品閱讀量已超過100萬次。

Founder & Creative Director


Yi-Hsuan Li is a designer based in Taiwan. She is creative director of StudioPros. She worked in IBM Consulting team and focused on using User Experience approach to create different designs. She is skilled in interdisciplinary arts and uses this to unleash more potential for brands. Her works won the Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Golden Pin Design Awards, Design for Asia Awards, and K-Design Awards. Her works were included in design books such as Computer Arts Magazine, Victionary, and APD13. Her works were presented in countries such as America, Finland, Korea, and others. Collaborations include Facebook, IBM, Amazon, Shutterstock, Helsinki Design Week, and Golden Melody Award. She was the judge of the Young Pin Design Award 2019, and was invited and nominated as a designer representative of Taiwan by Shutterstock. She also endorsed the annual event Get Creative. The views of her works on Behance rank top three in Taiwan area, which has reached over a million.